VirtualMIDISynth 2.x - Release Candidate 2 released

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Posts: 1978
Joined: March 25, 2012 - 01:19
Re: Using two instances of VMS

Don't worry, soundfonts data and memory are already shared by all VMS virtual devices.
I mean, if you configure (and preload) a 2GB soundfont for 4 devices, it will require 2GB of memory not 8.

Jovet wrote:
I am running two devices and both have exactly the same SoundFont chains, but the font data is thus duplicated in memory.
How did you measure it?
Beware that the memory reported by Task Manager is the private working set, something like the "addressable available space".
The best test you can do is configure (and preload) a huge SF2 for a single device, then enable it for the others and compare the reported memory usage.

Posts: 16
Joined: March 25, 2016 - 02:50
Re: Using two instances of VMS
coolsoft wrote:

How did you measure it?

Beware that the memory reported by Task Manager is the private working set, something like the "addressable available space".
The best test you can do is configure (and preload) a huge SF2 for a single device, then enable it for the others and compare the reported memory usage.

I guage it by examining the Private Bytes and Working Set values of the VirtualMIDISynth.exe process with Process Explorer.  It's been a while since I setup VMS2β6 but looking at my SoundFonts chains I think you're right—somehow I grossly under-estimated the combined size of the SoundFonts I'm using.  Oops.  The sound fonts I'm using (429 MB total) are a bit shy of the Private Bytes value listed for the process, so they're definitely not duplicated.  This is excellent!  Thanks :) 



Posts: 16
Joined: March 25, 2016 - 02:50
Re: Using two instances of VMS

It's not really a bug, but I would like to suggest a change of wording on the Configuration dialog, though. 

On the Updates tab you have written:

(*) NOTE: when an update is found, automatic update checking will be disabled until you update current version, so available version shown here could not be the latest one.

I think it would make more sense if it was written:

(*) NOTE: Once an update is found, automatic update checking will be suspended until you install a newer version, so the available version shown here might not actually be the latest one.



Posts: 1978
Joined: March 25, 2012 - 01:19
Re: Using two instances of VMS
Jovet wrote:
The sound fonts I'm using (429 MB total) are a bit shy of the Private Bytes value listed for the process, so they're definitely not duplicated.  This is excellent!  Thanks :)

Thanks for confirming it.

Jovet wrote:
It's not really a bug, but I would like to suggest a change of wording on the Configuration dialog, though.

Your version is much more better than mine; I've just integrated it in my working copy. Thanks!

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Joined: July 14, 2016 - 19:36
Re: Using two instances of VMS


It was announced that Beta version is compatible with ASIO4ALL, but I still can't find this option. What am I doing wrong? Or ASIO support is not implemented yet?

Thank you!

Posts: 1978
Joined: March 25, 2012 - 01:19
Re: Using two instances of VMS
desu wrote:
Or ASIO support is not implemented yet?

Well, I started adding ASIO a long time ago but it required a lot of work for it to work as good as the plain (current) Windows Audio implementation.
BASS ASIO support has a different API, so code changes were relevant.

Sadly my first tests weren't so good: it got an higher CPU usage (beware that I don't have a real ASIO card, so I tested it with ASIO4ALL virtual driver) without any visible improvement.
So I decided to give priority to first 2.0 release and postpone ASIO to a later 2.x.

Posts: 25
Joined: May 27, 2015 - 16:09
Re: versione VMS 2.0

salve scrivo per avere solo una piccola informazione ..quando potrà essere disponibile la nuova versione di VMS 2.0 UFFICIALE ....premetto che uso già la versione beta 6 e le faccio i miei complimenti per questo software straordinario ......cordiali saluti a lei e tutto lo staff

Posts: 1978
Joined: March 25, 2012 - 01:19
Re: versione VMS 2.0

Prima della versione "ufficiale" deve essere rilasciata almeno una "Release Candidate", disponibile per tutti (non solo agli utenti registrati al forum).
Questo passaggio è necessario per avere una diffusione il più ampia possibile ed essere sicuro che non ci siano problemi da risolvere.
Inoltre a partire dalla RC i traduttori potranno iniziare il loro lavoro in modo da avere più lingue possibili pronte per il rilascio finale.

Devo solo trovare il tempo per organizzare le attività, preparare la documentazione, preparare la pagina ufficiale (che andrà a sostituire VMS1) e pubblicare il tutto...

Per quanto riguarda le funzionalità e la stabilità, comunque, l'attuale beta non ha problemi noti o in sospeso, quindi può essere usata con ragionevole tranquillità.

Posts: 25
Joined: May 27, 2015 - 16:09
Re: versione VMS 2.0

grazie mille per la celere risposta alla mia domanda, attendo con impazienza la nuova versione per poter usufruire anche dei miglioramenti fatti e delle nuove funzionalità che credo non mancheranno.

Nel rinnovarle ancora i miei saluti colgo l'occasione di augurare a lei e ancora a tutto lo staff un buon lavoro  GRAZIE MILLE!!!VMS THE BEST SOFTWARE

Posts: 1
Joined: January 23, 2016 - 18:33
Re: versione VMS 2.0

Non so italiano o inglese. Vi saluto calorosamente e vi ringrazio per il vostro lavoro. I suoi programmi sono grandi! Molto bella musica suona midi. / Traduttore di Google

