VMS2 RC1 Bugs report

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Posts: 3
Joined: March 12, 2013 - 16:30
VMS2 RC1 Bugs report


  • Soundfont configuration -> Preload bank = -1 (all banks) doesn't work, outputs silence.
  • Update always available, even if installed a newer version than the latest reported.
    • Current version: 1.999.999.201
    • Available version: 1.999.999.106
  • I18n issues
    • not enough space for translated Spanish text: cfg.sf.info, common.resetToDefault (button at cfg.key.tab)
    • untranslatable text for MIDI Conversor output formats
    • English text typo for cfg.adv.sincInterpolatedMix: "sync interpolated" instead of "sinc interpolated".

Good work!



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Joined: August 9, 2016 - 04:51
Re: VMS2 RC1 Bugs report

Not a typo: English text typo for cfg.adv.sincInterpolatedMix: "sync interpolated" instead of "sinc interpolated".

Not referring to syncronization but sinc function ( The sinc function can be seen as a hyperbolically weighted sine function with its zero at the origin canceled out. The name sinc function derives from its classical name as the sine cardinal (or cardinal sine) function.  Commonly used in audio signal processing.

Posts: 1978
Joined: March 25, 2012 - 01:19
Re: VMS2 RC1 Bugs report

You're both saying the same thing, it must read SINC and not SYNC.

In fact the item key cfg.adv.sincInterpolatedMix was right... ;)

Thanks for pointing it out, will fix it together with other things (when I get back from vacation)...