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Posts: 1978
Joined: March 25, 2012 - 01:19
Re: Extern MIDI device
Presti wrote:
Virtual Midi has still the same problem. He can not control external equipment like a vocalist etc ....  :-(

This is exactly how an audio device is supposed to work: play the audio (MIDI) stream it receives on its input.
It's like asking your Realtek audio sound card to drive part of its incoming stream to an external device, like an USB Audio card.

If you're looking for a way to switch between default devices (always one at once) take a look at CoolSoft MidiMapper.

Presti wrote:
So if I use it for my midi files. I can not use my vocalist

You have to split (or duplicate) the MIDI stream BEFORE VirtualMIDISynth and drive the two (or more) streams to their destinations, using tools like MIDIOX.
Or use a DAW like Sonar where you could drive MIDI tracks to multiple devices at once...

Presti wrote:
Unfortunately if it was possible It would have been a great program

Sorry, but that feature will likely never been added :(

Posts: 4
Joined: May 2, 2017 - 18:49
Extern MIDI device

Virtual Midi has still  the same problem. He can not control external equipment like a vocalist etc ....  :-(

So if I use it for my midi files. I can not use my vocalist
Unfortunately if it was possible It would have been a great program

It's only good to play midi file