Record to a file

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Posts: 3
Joined: January 8, 2014 - 03:53
Record to a file

Really appreciate your effort to this sir.
I just have 1 question, I've read th FAQ you said "VirtualMIDISynth does provide an option to record its output to an audio file".

Can you enlighten me on this? I can't find any option on the program.
Thank you sir...

Posts: 1978
Joined: March 25, 2012 - 01:19
Oops, that's a typo :(

Oops, that's a typo :(

"VirtualMIDISynth does provide an option" should read "VirtualMIDISynth does NOT provide an option to record its output to an audio file", now fixed.
All the rest of the FAQ is correct, and explains how to workaround this missing feature.

Sorry for the misleading and thanks for pointing it out.
