GM Soundfont: MixFont

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Posts: 8
Joined: August 10, 2015 - 00:48
GM Soundfont: MixFont

Hi guys,

so I've been editing this soundfont for some time now, initially just for myself to play DOS games with high quality MIDI music. While making, I listened to a lot of MIDIs in order to adjust the volumes, so it approximately matches the standard Windows gm.dls bank. It's 1.4GB when extracted and is comprised of a bunch of freely available Soundfonts I found all over the web over the years, too many to name really.


I never thought about sharing it, but I figured someone might find it useful so here it is, so have fun: still uploading (496.6 MB compressed)


There might be some unused presets in there, as I haven't really taken the time to clean it up (unused samples have been purged, though). If you have any suggestions for further improvements, let me know.



Posts: 8
Joined: August 10, 2015 - 00:48
Re: GM Soundfont: MixFont

here's the link!l4NBlSRS!FjsuwFArsUugOmSm2rdx-lLZ4cTRUs6TeNtQVpS9nQ4

Posts: 8
Joined: August 10, 2015 - 00:48
Re: GM Soundfont: MixFont

first update:!ooMnhbiL!yrmroZxCwXzRkG86UETAPA

Posts: 50
Joined: January 24, 2015 - 01:26
Re: GM Soundfont: MixFont

Overall size after unpacking: 1.8GB. My pc can't play anything with it :X

I'd say - for GM purposes - keep only the GM samples. Delete all the redundant ones. They clog the memory. After that, reupload.
Keep it going though!

Posts: 8
Joined: August 10, 2015 - 00:48
Re: GM Soundfont: MixFont
Richard Roma wrote:

Overall size after unpacking: 1.8GB. My pc can't play anything with it :X

I'd say - for GM purposes - keep only the GM samples. Delete all the redundant ones. They clog the memory. After that, reupload.
Keep it going though!

Did you disable "load whole Soundfont into memory" in the VirtualMidiSynth settings? My whole idea was to to throw together one big soundfont without any compromises in sample size or amount of voices. I will make a smaller GM only version though later.