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Proxmox 4.1 kernel panic: downgrade DRBD resources from DRBD 9 to 8.4

I've upgraded my Proxmox environment to the latest 4.1, featuring the brand new (and still in preview state) DRBD 9.

Proxmox documentation is not so clear about it's preview state and, also, users have no choice about the DRBD version to use; Proxmox 4.1 only has DRBD 9, no choice.

Upgrade to Ubuntu Linux 8.10

I just finished the upgrade of my servers from Ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 (yes, I prefer numbers instead of Hardy, Gutsy, ... it's so difficult to remember their year/month release date).

This was the first time I completed the entire upgrade remotely, through an SSH connection; no CD or DVD, just an internet connection.