Reverb/chorus level

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Posts: 6
Joined: 25 Apr 2017 - 09:22
Reverb/chorus level

Reverb & chorus max level is stuck at 64. I noticed it wasn't up high enough when it was at 127, then I noticed when I turned it down to 0, it sounded exactly the same! So the effects levels have completely stopped working.

Posts: 1978
Joined: 25 Mar 2012 - 01:19
Re: Reverb/chorus level
JesseRoxII wrote:
when I turned it down to 0

Did you lower the vaue in settings dialog and clicked apply?
If you're using a version older than 2.0.1, it fixed the issue of reverb & chorus levels not applied live (restart of VMS needed).

Or you sent a controller MIDI message and it got lost?
How is the "Override SysEx messages" setting configured?

Posts: 6
Joined: 25 Apr 2017 - 09:22
Re: Reverb/chorus level
coolsoft wrote:
JesseRoxII wrote:
when I turned it down to 0

Did you lower the vaue in settings dialog and clicked apply?
If you're using version, then 2.0.1fixed the issue of reverb & chorus levels not applied live (restart of VMS needed).

Or you sent a controller MIDI message and it got lost?
How is the "Override SysEx messages" setting configured?

Yes, I restarted VMS, that didn't fix it.

I know for sure that the MIDI file I'm playing has a controller message to set the reverb to max.

I always have the "Override SysEx messages" box unchecked. I noticed that when I play a MIDI with a SysEx message, and then play a MIDI without one, it fixes the problem. Then when I restart VMS, the level is incorrect again.

Posts: 1978
Joined: 25 Mar 2012 - 01:19
Re: Reverb/chorus level

Could you please attach a sample MIDI file here, or a link to it?
And please confirm that you're using VMS 2.0.1.

Posts: 6
Joined: 25 Apr 2017 - 09:22
Re: Reverb/chorus level



What it's supposed to sound like:

What it sounds like since the update:

And yes, I'm using 2.0.1. I only started having this problem after I updated to the latest version.

Posts: 1978
Joined: 25 Mar 2012 - 01:19
Re: Reverb/chorus level

It seems this bug is really similar to this one

But here the Reverb/Chorus controllers were supposed to work... will have a look.

Posts: 1978
Joined: 25 Mar 2012 - 01:19
Re: Reverb/chorus level

Beta version released here, please check it out: