Additional instruments always override acoustic grand piano?

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Anonymous user
Additional instruments always override acoustic grand piano?

Hi there

Sorry if this is a silly question, or one that has been answered before (though I couldn't find it in the FAQ or on this forum), but whenever I try to load specific instruments on top of my general sound set (the arachno sound font), it always only replaces the acoustic grand piano sound. Any idea how to get the extra instruments to load into the correct slot?

Many thanks


Posts: 1978
Joined: 25 Mar 2012 - 01:19
Re: Additional instruments always override acoustic grand piano?

Quick checklist:

  • base soundfont must be at the top of soundfont list, or at least above the soundfont with the new instrument
  • VirtualMIDISynth 2.x soundfont list can show the list of presets/instruments contained in each SF2 file; check if they have the right value
  • try to load the same SF2 files in XMPlay + MIDI plugin, a generic player written by the same author of BASS libraries (the one used by VMS for MIDI synthesis)
Anonymous user
Re: Additional instruments always override acoustic grand piano?

Ah, great, thank you. I downloaded the newest version of VirtualMIDISynth so I could check the presets, and they were set to "All". I changed them to the appropriate numbers and now it seems to be working fine. Thank you again for your help.

Posts: 1978
Joined: 25 Mar 2012 - 01:19
Re: Additional instruments always override acoustic grand piano?

Thanks for reporting it back.
