brightness/timbre effects are too weak

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Anonymous user
brightness/timbre effects are too weak

As title says, I think the current VMS reacts to CC71(timbre) and CC74(brightness) in too modest way.

I want to make my desired sound but cannot quite reach there due to this limitation. It'd be great if this is improved.

Posts: 1978
Joined: 25 Mar 2012 - 01:19
Re: brightness/timbre effects are too weak

VirtualMIDISynth is a wrapper around BASS/BASSMIDI libraries from un4seen; it lets them work as a Windows multimedia driver (virtual MIDI device).

So everything about MIDI synthesis, from MIDI messages management to MIDI conversion to analog audio, is out of my control.
Please search/post your request to BASS forum, and feel free to link the thread here for any reference.