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VirtualMIDISynth 1.4.0 released (at last)

VirtualMIDISynth 1.4.0 was finally released today.
It's a long waited release, preceeded by a long list of betas.

The main new feature of 1.4.x branch is the addition of 64 bits MIDI clients support, such as new DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations) like Cakewalk Sonar X1, MediaPlayer classic x64 and all .NET AnyCPU-compiled softwares (which are JIT compiled to x64 on x64 OS).

The configurator is also deeply changed: a new tabbed interface now has lot of new options like:

New website started, good luck CoolSoft!

Today website migration has completed successfully and the new one is up and running.

A lot of new features have been added, starting from the possibility for users to register accounts and being notified about CoolSoft updates.

In a few days a forum will start too; this way most popular projects (VirtualMIDISynth first) will have a reserved (and clean) space to report bugs, suggest features and so on.
That should be better than hundreds of comments, hard to search and follow.

Aardvark Firefox Addin for Firefox 10 (and previous)

31 Jan 2012 UPDATE

This version is outdated and not available anymore.
See here for the latest version.

As a long time Aardwark user, now that Firefox 10 is out I'm still missing an official version that works with it.

RunAsX86, a tool to run AnyCPU .NET applications in X86 mode

When compiling a .NET application you have three available choices for the Platform target parameter:

X86: The code will run in 32bit mode both on x86 and on x64 OS.

X64: Executable will run only in 64bit mode and on x64 OS, no way to run it on x86 OS.

AnyCPU: The same executable will run in 32bit mode on x86 OS and in 64bit mode on x64 OS. It's up to the .NET framework runtime to choose how to JIT compile it to native code.

Aardvark Firefox Addin for Firefox 9 (and previous)

31 Jan 2012 UPDATE

This version is outdated and not available anymore.
See here for the latest version.

As a long time Aardwark user, now that Firefox 9 is out I'm still missing an official version that works with it.

Aardvark Firefox Addin for Firefox 8 (and previous)

28 Dec 2011 UPDATE

This version is outdated and not available anymore.
See here for the latest version.

As a long time Aardwark user, now that Firefox 8 is out (and FF7 is at beta stage) I'm still missing an official version that works with it.

Aardvark Firefox Addin for Firefox 7 (and previous)

07 Nov 2011 UPDATE

This version is outdated and not available anymore.
See here for the latest version.

As a long time Aardwark user, now that Firefox 7 is out (and FF7 is at beta stage) I'm still missing an official version that works with it.

Aardvark Firefox Addin and Firefox 5.x

27 Aug 2011 UPDATE

This version is outdated and not available anymore.
See here for the latest version.

As a long time Aardwark user, now that Firefox 5 is out I'm still missing a version of it that works with it.

Aardvark Firefox Addin and Firefox 4.x

21 Jun 2011 UPDATE

This version is outdated and not available anymore.
See here for the latest version.

As a long time Aardwark user, now that Firefox 4 is out I'm still missing a version of it that works with FF4.

Recensione Trevi DT-3390R

Tra i regali per il prossimo Natale ho acquistato un ricevitore digitale terrestre Trevi DV-3390R.

Dato che sono molto soddisfatto del rapporto prezzo/prestazioni di questo oggetto, ho pensato di condividere le mie impressioni per tutti quelli che vorranno fare il mio stesso acquisto.
Il DV-3390R si trova in vendita ad un prezzo inferiore ai 40€, che lo colloca in una posizione decisamente interessante.
