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Collegare un lettore DVD via USB all'Ellion HMR-351H

EDIT (17/10/2009): aggiornati gli script per gestire l'eject automatico del supporto.

Qualche tempo fa ho acquistato un Hantech Markus 750, un "mediarecorder" clone del più famoso Ellion HMR-351H e del Medley 2+.

How to make Symfony/Doctrine generate accessors

I'm using Symfony for a big project; after a little research I choosed Doctrine as database access layer, since is more configurable (and modern) then Propel.

I use Eclipse 3.4 and PDT as IDE, mostly because of its great Code Assist feature (CA is Intellisense for VisualStudio users...).

Well, after a bit I found that Doctrine class generator misses to generate column accessors (getters and setters) and relies on PHP __get and __set magic accessors.

NumericUpDown control updated (version 1.1)

A new version of NumericUpDown extended control control has been released, including some improvement suggested by CodeProject users (thanks guys :))

NumericUpDown extended control article posted on

A few days ago I posted an article on which describes an extended version of the standard NumericUpDown .NET control.
It adds a better mouse management and some missing properties.

Read it here and... remember to comment and vote it!

Upgrade to Ubuntu Linux 8.10

I just finished the upgrade of my servers from Ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 (yes, I prefer numbers instead of Hardy, Gutsy, ... it's so difficult to remember their year/month release date).

This was the first time I completed the entire upgrade remotely, through an SSH connection; no CD or DVD, just an internet connection.

Let's start

This is the beginning of a new adventure, the blog!

After a lot of reading other ones entries I thought: why don't I write down my ideas and findings?
Nevermind, this is not going to be Slashdot or TechRepublic but - I hope - it will contain something cool to read... in fact we are on CoolSoft ;)

Feel free to comment.
