PDF produced by TallPDF.Net shows rubbish properties

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PDF produced by TallPDF.Net shows rubbish properties


I've just installed your excellent extension and noticed I have 1 PDF document that shows random characters for its metadata properties in Explorer. However, when I open the file in Acrobat Reader, the Document Properties shown there look reasonable:

Title - "title"

Author: "Intsure"

Subject: "subject"

Keywords: "keywords"

The PDF Producer is shown as "TallPDF.Net Professional", PDF Version: 1.4 (Acrobat 5.x)

Is this likely to be a quirk you're already aware of?

Posts: 1978
Joined: March 25, 2012 - 01:19
Re: PDF produced by TallPDF.Net shows rubbish properties

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Could you please post a sample PDF that shows the issue?
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