VirtualMIDISynth 2.5.0 - Release candidate (was Beta)

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Posts: 1978
Joined: March 25, 2012 - 01:19
Re: VirtualMIDISynth 2.5.0 - Beta4

Good catches, both fixed ;)

Thank you very much for your efforts in finding and, even more, reporting bugs.

Having detailed reports which are both reproducible and "visual" is something every developer dreams about...
Feel free to post as much as you can (and I promise I'll try to reduce them to the minimum).

Posts: 96
Joined: October 14, 2016 - 03:20
Re: VirtualMIDISynth 2.5.0 - Beta4
coolsoft wrote:

Good catches, both fixed ;)

Thank you very much for your efforts in finding and, even more, reporting bugs.

Having detailed reports which are both reproducible and "visual" is something every developer dreams about...
Feel free to post as much as you can (and I promise I'll try to reduce them to the minimum).

Don't worry, there won't probably be so many bugs anymore, In that big post I said all the bugs I saw since the first 2.0 release, right now it seems very bug free

The only bug I've seen it's this, but only happened once and I can't reproduce it so don't worry too much about it, I was playing with the vertical window size on the sounfonts tab and changing soundfonts, then I changed to the options tab and this happened:

Posts: 1978
Joined: March 25, 2012 - 01:19
VirtualMIDISynth 2.5.0 - Release candidate (was Beta)

Just released 2.5.0-RC1 (Release Candidate), see first post.
Version is now "feature freeze", will only fix critical bugs before release which will happen as soon as translators complete their job.

Posts: 25
Joined: May 27, 2015 - 16:09
Re: VirtualMIDISynth 2.5.0 - Release candidate (was Beta)

Salve Coolsoft

...ho trovato un piccolo bug ...nell'editor della scelta dei preset ...

in pratica quando si digita il numero del preset (es : 29) nella casella, alla digitazione della seconda cifra appare subito "127" riesce ad impostarlo ugualmente grazie alle frecce Su e Giù...

questo però comporta doverci mettere più tempo nel selezionare il preset dello strumento che si ha bisogno ...

un'altro modo per ovviare al bug è quello di spostare a destra o a sinistra il cursore del mouse ad ogni cifra inserita.

un pò problematico dal punto di vista della fluidità della funzione ...

per quanto riguarda invece la selezione del banco (es:000-,001-,etc ) tutto ok !!

Nel ringraziarla ancora per questo splendido gioiello che ha creato Le invio i miei più cordiali saluti e Le auguro un buon lavoro ...

P.S. scusi se ho scritto in italiano ma l'inglese proprio non'è il mio forte ...

it's hard to set soundfont preset value in soundfont editor dialog using the keyboard, because once you digit 29 in the field it immediately shows 127.
A workaround is to use UP/DOWN keys or move cursor at the end of the field after each key press... not so immediate!
Bank selection works ok.

Posts: 1978
Joined: March 25, 2012 - 01:19
Re: VirtualMIDISynth 2.5.0 - Release candidate (was Beta)

Hope that you could read English better that you write it ;)

Thanks for reporting the bug, caused by control cursor "moving" around while typing digits.
Preset value is checked at each change to let Bank field label change from "Bank offset" and "Bank number".

I've actualy fixed it and, also, forced it to stay at the right of the inserted value.
This way you can also use DEL/BACKSPACE keys to edit value.

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Joined: May 27, 2015 - 16:09
Re: VirtualMIDISynth 2.5.0 - Release candidate (was Beta)

Buongiorno ...

Grazie infinite per aver risposto così velocemente

sempre gentile ...

Posts: 96
Joined: October 14, 2016 - 03:20
Re: VirtualMIDISynth 2.5.0 - Release candidate (was Beta)

I've encountered a odd behaviour:

So, having Virtual Midi Keyboard open means VMS always has the intrument you are currently using and when you use the same device and you open a midi with Windows media player sometimes on channel 1 Instead of saying *Multiple Clients* it says the current instrument used on VMPK

Posts: 1978
Joined: March 25, 2012 - 01:19
Re: VirtualMIDISynth 2.5.0 - Release candidate (was Beta)

That's really odd, because * multiple clients * string and About dialog took their data from the same collection.
If a device has more than one instance active, then * multiple clients * is shown and all of the instances are printed in About box...
Since I can't reproduce it on my side I can only bet on what's going wrong :(

It could be a missing repaint of Mixer channel, due to a race condition between MIDI client instance creation and Mixer update task.
Mixer channel paint (except for green activity LED) is a CPU consuming task, so it's done only when required.

Once a new MIDI client is connected, it (usually) first send a Program Change (Cx) message for each channel.
After receiving this type of message, VMS updates the "reconfigured" channel to show the new seleced Program (instrument name is updated).
I suppose that the file you're playing with WMP does not use channel 1, so channel 1 is never updated and still shows the old program name.

Actually a forced repaint happens when a device instance is closed, but not when a new instance is opened.
I think this is a bug, because once a client connects the MIDI mixer should be repainted immediately even if it does not send Program Change messages.

I've added the new behavior to RC2, please check it out once released.

Posts: 1978
Joined: March 25, 2012 - 01:19
Re: VirtualMIDISynth 2.5.0 - Release candidate (was Beta)

Version 2.5.0-rc2 released, see first post.

Posts: 96
Joined: October 14, 2016 - 03:20
Re: VirtualMIDISynth 2.5.0 - Release candidate (was Beta)

And another thing, there's something really wrong about the MIDI file converter, when I press Start Conversion button the whole VMS process closes itself and lefts a really short kilobyte sized file that of course wasn't properly converted, It doesn't matter the Output file format I choose or how the mixer it's set up, it always closes itself:

I've uploaded the same test midi (and the coverted files) in case it's something wrong about the midi itself, but this has happened on all midis I've tried so far

coolsoft wrote:
I've added the new behavior to RC2, please check it out once released.

Good job, it's fixed, I've opened about 20 different midis while vmpk was opened and this behaviour didn't happen again

Attachments (Only registered users)
Test midi.7z
