drum soundfont?

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Posts: 13
Joined: November 14, 2020 - 19:29
drum soundfont?

I notice that when choosing VMS as midi output, no matter what soundfont I choose, the drum sounds never change.

It always seems to be the soundcard's drum sound which is terrible.

Other instruments do change to the soundfonts but not the drums.

Any help getting a good acoustic drum sound would be appreciated.


Posts: 1978
Joined: March 25, 2012 - 01:19
Re: drum soundfont?

I'd try a quick test to check if drums are really coming from VMS or not:

  • open VMS MIDI Mixer
  • start playing your MIDI
  • mute channel 10 (drums) on MIDI Mixer by lowering channel 10 volume

Are the drums still playing?

If yes, well, they're coming from somewhere else. Otherwise let's go on investigating 😉...