2.1.0 Reverb bug
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- Orator 89
- Posts: 9
- Joined: May 14, 2019 - 09:33
- Kj
- Posts: 53
- Joined: April 25, 2016 - 12:19
I just updated VMS to 2.11.2, clean install. Although the reverb does sound better, it's still not fixed properly. If someone else can confirm, the instruments playing have reverb in them but they end abruptly (sound stops dead), with only a smaller reverb tail after sound on the end.
- Kj
- Posts: 53
- Joined: April 25, 2016 - 12:19
I just tried a clean install of VirtualMIDISynth 2.13.4, and still, no matter if you set the Max Reverb value to allow up to the full amount at 127 it is limited to the default value of 64.
I'm still using v2.10.1 as that is the last version the reverb worked fully.
- Kj
- Posts: 53
- Joined: April 25, 2016 - 12:19
Clean install of 2.13.8, I thought the problem may have been solved, reverb was higher. But still sounded different. So I compared a short midi converted with VMS, 2.10.1 vs 2.13.8 in Audacity. The older resulting wave is louder, has more reverb in the mix. Sure enough, I reinstalled 2.10.1, and the reverb was much fuller again.
- Attachments (Only registered users)
- MIDI.zip
- Kj
- Posts: 53
- Joined: April 25, 2016 - 12:19
I tried a clean install of VMS 2.13.9 and still the reverb is not as full as with 2.10.1.
At least lowering the max reverb value does change the sound, so that works. Only its still nowhere near the fuller sound it was in older versions. This thread has picked up a lot of views, I'm thinking I can't be the only one with this issue?
- Attachments (Only registered users)
- Reverb 2.13.9.zip
- coolsoft
- Posts: 2004
- Joined: March 25, 2012 - 01:19
@Kj, first of all I'm sorry if it seemed like I left you alone in the thread… I always try to read all messages 🙄
I recently got back on VMS+BASSMIDI with another user, so I'd like to further investigate on this issue too.
Reading back all of the messages, I see that a “breaking change” was added in BASSMIDI 2.4.13 (included in VMS v.2.10.2):
2.4.13 - 16/9/2020
* Reverb level modification
BASS_ATTRIB_MIDI_REVERB (BASS_ChannelSetAttribute option)
This thread on Un4seen forum confirmed the change in Reverb volume: https://www.un4seen.com/forum/?topic=20464.0
The new BASS_ATTRIB_MIDI_REVERB parameter can be used to change the “Overall” reverb level:
- 0 means no reverb at all
- 1 means default reverb level (that seems to be lower than it was before BASSMIDI v2.4.13)
- >2 increase the reverb volume (I've tested up to 5)
So I've added a new “Master reverb level” option just after the existing reverb/chorus ones.
The new option sets the BASS_ATTRIB_MIDI_REVERB (in percentage, where 100% means 1, 500% means 5).
Things to check:
- if setting a proper value could lead to the same result as before BASSMIDI 2.4.13 (VMS 2.10.2)
- decide a proper name for this new option (is "Master reverb level" misleading or confusing? I'm all ears for suggestions…)
Please test the attached version and let me know if it works.
- Attachments (Only registered users)
- CoolSoft_VirtualMIDISynth_2.14.0-beta1.zip
- Kj
- Posts: 53
- Joined: April 25, 2016 - 12:19
No problem. I just kept on posting anyway, hoping that, one day, it might make a difference… ;-)
As I was writing the previous post, it suddenly dawned on me it might very well be an issue with BASSMIDI. I have downloaded the beta and will let you know how it goes, grazie.

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