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Anonymous user

Buongiorno,sono sempre io... allora ho scaricato la Beta 8. Tutto perfetto. Nessun "saltellamento" tranne in alcuni casi ma molto sporadici. Il Mixer mantiene la memoria delle tracce messe in "mute". Il tutto con VanBasco. Ora, per contribuire al perfezionamento di questo favoloso sw lo sto testando con Karafun. Ebbene, mentre la versione 1.3 funziona perfettamente la versione 1.4 Beta 8 sebbene mantiene la memoria del mixer e sebbene si setta automaticamente l'output del Coolsoft... non riproduce nulla. Ho provato le varie configurazioni di uscita del karafun ma nulla. Ripeto con la versione 1.3 tutto fila liscio tranne che per le migliorie apportate alla versione 1.4 Beta 8 (Mixer ecc.).

Susandomi per il disturbo ho voluto solo segnalare per apportare il mio contributo.

Cordiali saluti

Anonymous user
Stesso problema di cui

Stesso problema di cui sopra

Con la beta 8 1.4 del synth non riproduce nulla con l'ultima versione di karafun, mentre con vanbasco tutto ok.

Comunque complimenti per lo splendido lavoro.

Grazie miell!

Posts: 1978
Joined: March 25, 2012 - 01:19
New beta released 1.4.0-beta9

Beta9 fixes issues with BASS based MIDI clients, like KaraFun.

This was a really bad issue, because KaraFun is BASS based (like VirtualMIDISynth); but KaraFun Player (the latest version at the time of writing is 1.20.86) is still linked to an older BASS library version (2.4.6) while VirtualMIDISynth actually uses the newer 2.4.8.
That said, now it works; but in the future this could lead to worst incompatibilities when, suppose, BASS 3.0 will be released... if VirtualMIDISynth will be upgraded it could not work with not updated clients anymore.

This issue made me think about a 2.x branch of VirtualMIDISynth, with the driver splitted into two components: Driver and SoundServer.
The driver is the only part loaded by the MIDI application, and will not contain any reference to BASS libs.
The SoundServer will be the audio rendering component, it will be an isolated process and will load BASS libraries independently from the MIDI client.

I'll soon release a preview version of 2.x series, just to test if this new architecture is better (and stable) than the current one.

Anonymous user
Sempre problemi di inceppamenti saltuari...

Purtroppo sto riscontrando sempre inceppamenti e saltellamenti random !!! :o(((
Anche con l'ultima BETA il problema persiste.

Il Notebook, come ti avevo gia scritto x email, non e' scarso...
Non me ne intendo moltissimo, non so se c'entra il bios da aggiornare...o altro... boh!!!

Ho installato W7...Vista e attualmente ho XP SP3 (DirectX 9c)...veramente un mistero, ma a leggere in alto vedo che ce ne sono parecchi con il mio stesso problema !!!
Fiuuuuuuu', quindi c'e' da dedurre che possa essere un problemino in VMS da scovare e risolvere.

Ma non ci sono programmini che creano una "radiografia" (in un file di testo)  dell'hardware installato sul mio PC...piu' che altro da poter risalire ad eventuali incompatibilita' o altro...;o)

Saluti e buon lavoro (in ogni caso sei un Genio).

Posts: 1978
Joined: March 25, 2012 - 01:19
Preview build of 2.x version

Here we are, I've just built a working preview of what should be the next 2.x series of VirtualMIDISynth.

NOTE: download link below is not available anymore.

I'll release here "unofficially" (within this comment) because it's really incomplete and unstable.
I just want to be clear: it won't hurt your system but don't use it on live stage!
Consider it as a "technology preview".

Well, as I said in previous comment I'm testing a new architecture for VirtualMIDISynth; I'd like to separate the driver and the sound engine.
I'm not interested about its stability and usability, the only things I'm going to test is if this is the right way to follow.
Please try it and tell me if it works better/like/worst than 1.x versions...

Waiting for your feedback

Posts: 1978
Joined: March 25, 2012 - 01:19
New beta released 1.4.0-beta10

Hardware mixing is now disabled by default and software mixing is used instead.
This should help users experiencing stuttering with "buggy" audio drivers.