Output audio file volume normalization.

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Posts: 7
Joined: 10 Ott 2014 - 21:16
Output audio file volume normalization.


Is it possible to add a flag to normalize the volume of the audio file output from the MIDI conversion to 0dB?

Posts: 1978
Joined: 25 Mar 2012 - 01:19
Re: Output audio file volume normalization.

To implement such a feature it needs to convert the file at least twice:

  • first conversion to get the highest volume level of the synthesized "analog" audio
  • if some sample got "clipped", repeat the first step with a lower volume
  • finally render the MIDI with a volume that renders the highest peak at 0db

As you can see it's not an easy task, BASS (the synth library) does not support it out-of-the-box and it also doubles (at least) the rendering time...

I suggest you to play the same MIDI file with VMS and use its MIDI Mixer to find the best volume, then convert it with MIDI Converter (it uses the same mixer values as VMS device #1).

Posts: 7
Joined: 10 Ott 2014 - 21:16
Re: Output audio file volume normalization.
coolsoft wrote:
I suggest you to play the same MIDI file with VMS and use its MIDI Mixer to find the best volume, then convert it with MIDI Converter (it uses the same mixer values as VMS device #1).
That's what I'm doing now, but it's impractical and it wastes time all the same, indeed it wastes more.
Coolsoft Virtual Midi Synth is a great program and if you are an experienced programmer, this little addition would make your program even better by no means.
Isn't there a library that your program can use to do this automatically?