BASSINI.dll Error when starting a certain steam game (Avorion)

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Posts: 2
Joined: 1 Feb 2017 - 22:32
BASSINI.dll Error when starting a certain steam game (Avorion)


so, when the mentioned game is loading the following error message pops up: "Failed to load library . Cancelling." (translated from german) I have also attached a screenshot.

When I click "Ok" the game loads fine and it seems to work perfectly. But still, the error is annoying, as I don't know if it means that something is not working right. I've also googled "bassini", without success.

I'm not sure how these two are connected, but is there anything I can do to prevent that error?




I had a look into the VirtualMidiSynth folder and it definitely contains a dll file called "bassmidi". Now I'm even more confused.

Attachments (Only registered users)
VirtualMidiSynth Error.png
Posts: 1979
Joined: 25 Mar 2012 - 01:19
Re: BASSINI.dll Error when starting a certain steam game (Avorion)

I suppose you meant BASSMIDI and not BASSINI, right? (will edit thread title...)

Well, if you're using VirtualMIDISynth 1.* that should be because that game already loads its own version of BASSMIDI.dll, and the two collide in the same process space.
That's an architectural limit of VMS 1, changed in VMS 2 (actually almost ready for its final release).

Have a look here and test it.

Posts: 2
Joined: 1 Feb 2017 - 22:32
Re: BASSMIDI.dll Error when starting a certain steam game (Avorion)

Oops, yes I mean BASSMIDI.dll. Thanks for pointing me to v2, I really thought v1.xx would be the latest version. I'll have a look if this version works with the game. I appreciate your work and support!