VirtualMIDISynth settings and soundfonts have no effect

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Posts: 2
Joined: 31 Mar 2021 - 09:33
VirtualMIDISynth settings and soundfonts have no effect

I have been using this nice software for a couple of years, but now there's a mystery happening. My last used soundfont is "stuck", it's not possible to change it no matter how I switch them or even eliminate all soundfonts! In fact, none of the settings have any effect, including the midi mapper selection! It just plays what it plays according to my earlier settings (an awe64 soundfont as well). Also none of the other VMS settings have any effect whatsoever. This is extremely weird. It started somewhere during this year I guess.

Win10 x64 v20H2

Posts: 1979
Joined: 25 Mar 2012 - 01:19
Re: VirtualMIDISynth settings and soundfonts have no effect

Well, this is really strange 🤔

I don't know if you've already tried it, but maybe a complete uninstall/reboot/reinstall could help...

After that (or if you've already tried it unsuccessfully, please check that the configuration file (VirtualMIDISynth.conf in VMS installation folder, it's a text file in INI format so you can open it with Notepad) is modified after each configuration change (and Apply button pressed).

Posts: 1979
Joined: 25 Mar 2012 - 01:19
Re: VirtualMIDISynth settings and soundfonts have no effect

Additional info: after uninstall/reboot check that no VirtualMIDISynth device is available on the system.
Maybe you have more than than one virtual device installed, and you're changing the configuration of "the wrong one".

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Joined: 31 Mar 2021 - 09:33
Re: VirtualMIDISynth settings and soundfonts have no effect

Hi, thank you for responding! :)

I checked, no other virtual devices exist.
Now I found a totally strange thing: when I change the VMS settings while Dosbox is open with an older game playing some AWE32/64 supported music, then the settings actually have an effect. But in Windows nothing changes, all my music players which support midi files play them in the same way, the VMS settings and soundfont changes don't affect it at all. This is a mystery, where does the soundfont for these sounds come from? xD

I tried restarting and even checked the "VirtualMIDISynth.conf" file. It does get updated when I change the settings.

I may have to completely uninstall and reinstall it then.

Posts: 1979
Joined: 25 Mar 2012 - 01:19
Re: VirtualMIDISynth settings and soundfonts have no effect
StargateMax wrote:
This is a mystery, where does the soundfont for these sounds come from?

I'm wondering if the sound really comes out of VMS... to quickly check it, open VMS MIDI Mixer (while you hear the sound) and check if it shows any activity through channel LEDs and/or master volume VUMeters.