Current BETA testing version...sample rate keeps defaulting...

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Anonymous user
Current BETA testing version...sample rate keeps defaulting...

...defaulting to 48000....highest (Version 1.12.0 BETA). Restarted computer...tried all sorts of things. Can't keep it at one of the other two sample rates. Thanks.

Posts: 1978
Joined: 25 Mar 2012 - 01:19
Re: Current BETA testing version...sample rate keeps defaulting...

Can't reproduce it here.

Output frequency is stored into VMS configuration file here:
64 bit systems: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\VirtualMIDISynth\VirtualMIDISynth.conf
32 bit systems: C:\Windows\System32\VirtualMIDISynth\VirtualMIDISynth.conf

This is an INI file, look at section [Advanced], key [OutputSampleRate].

If you set frequency to 48000 the key disappear (default value), otherwise the key should be present with the corresponding value.

Maybe something is preventing the configurator to change the file (antivirus, file protection, ...).
Check if you can edit and save your changes there.

PS: were you asked for for Administrator credentials during setup?