Crippling Error with VMS Makes me unable to use my computer

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Posts: 2
Joined: 16 Apr 2014 - 18:24
Crippling Error with VMS Makes me unable to use my computer

Hi, I tried uninstalling VMS and everything seemed to go well until I restarted my computer and tried to run something that required admin privileges.

When I did so, I would get the familiar shaded screen for admin prompts, but no dialogue box; when I would ctrl-alt-del, it would flash this ( error and then nothing would happen;
it wouldn't give me a chance to say yes or no to the admin action, essentially making me unable to do anything that required admin privileges.

What does this error mean?
I was confused, seeing as I had seemingly uninstalled the program but it's still giving me trouble.

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Re: Crippling Error with VMS Makes me unable to use my computer

Something went wrong during uninstall.
That messages says that the system is unable to access (and delete) that registry key.

If VirtualMIDISynth was in use during uninstall (or maybe some of its files were locked), the uninstaller schedules the removal to happen at next (and first) reboot.

If the issue has not been solved after another reboot (as I suppose), you could try to reinstall VirtualMIDISynth, reboot (even if not asked to) then uininstall it again.

If this still doesn't solve the issue, import the .reg file contained into the attached ZIP archive.
It recreeates the default VirtualMIDISynth registry keys, so the uninstaller should be happy and delete them.
A double click on the file should open it into Regedit (after an admin confirmation); if the admin confirm still doesn't work, try to import it in safe mode.

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Joined: 16 Apr 2014 - 18:24
Re: Crippling Error with VMS Makes me unable to use my computer
coolsoft wrote:

Something went wrong during uninstall.
That messages says that the system is unable to access (and delete) that registry key.

If VirtualMIDISynth was in use during uninstall (or maybe some of its files were locked), the uninstaller schedules the removal to happen at next (and first) reboot.

If the issue has not been solved after another reboot (as I suppose), you could try to reinstall VirtualMIDISynth, reboot (even if not asked to) then uininstall it again.

If this still doesn't solve the issue, import the .reg file contained into the attached ZIP archive.
It recreeates the default VirtualMIDISynth registry keys, so the uninstaller should be happy and delete them.
A double click on the file should open it into Regedit (after an admin confirmation); if the admin confirm still doesn't work, try to import it in safe mode.

Oh my word, thank you so much. The last option in safe mode fixed the problem perfectly. Thanks for such a prompt reply and a quick fix. 

Posts: 1979
Joined: 25 Mar 2012 - 01:19
Re: Crippling Error with VMS Makes me unable to use my computer

Thanks for your feedback.

I don't like softwares that leaves tracks behind them, so VirtualMIDISynth was made to be clean "by design" and its setup deletes everything upon uninstall.

I tried the setup again on Windows7 and Windows 8.1 test machines without issues.
It should be great to have a second check on your system to check what went wrong.

If you like to try it please let me know.