Update notification

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Posts: 2
Joined: 21 Ago 2016 - 10:40
Update notification

Hi Claudio,

I was using v1.62 which notified me that v1.6.3 was available some weeks ago. I didn't update as it only came with a new language translation.

And I realized today that the automatic new version checking process actually kept me saying that v1.6.3 was the latest version available until I clicked on the "Check Now" button, which then told me that v1.7.0 was available.
Quite strange behavior, actually.

I wasn't aware that there was a new version available until I found a webpage featuring an article about VirtualMIDISynth and Arachno SoundFont: http://www.codigobit.info/2013/02/como-mejorar-el-sonido-de-los-midis-y....


Author of Arachno SoundFont - http://www.arachnosoft.com/main/soundfont.php

Posts: 1979
Joined: 25 Mar 2012 - 01:19
It was implemented like this:

It was implemented like this: when the updater found an update available, it stores the available version number and notifies the user once a day.
It, however, doesn't check again for another update available, because it (should) already know there's one.
This is done to preserve my bandwidth and also avoid update checking when on-stage (when an internet connection could not be available).

I haven't considered this particular case: refusing a single update but still being notified about the others.

Will change it to always check for the latest version number...

Meanwhile you could subscribe to the updates newsletter and be notified personally ;)