VMS 2.4 on Windows 10

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Posts: 8
Joined: 2 Giu 2018 - 06:58
VMS 2.4 on Windows 10

Hi, I have installed latest VMS on my machine and I am not able to get sounds of different instruments in the sound font file, but the first one. I have also tested with Arachno sound font. There are a few issues:

- if I use my 32bit app, and send MIDI messages to change program, Mixer will show name of the instrument, but no sound will be produced

- if I use my 64bit app, then it will keep sounding as the first instrument

- Mixer always shows default instrument names, instead of names from sound font (which are nicely shown in Edit soundfont properties dialog)

I tested my app with other tools (like SyFonOne) and it works as expected with the same sf file.

Thank you very much in advance

Posts: 1979
Joined: 25 Mar 2012 - 01:19
Re: VMS 2.4 on Windows 10
Rimokatolik wrote:
I tested my app with other tools

What do you mean with "my app"? Is it an application you wrote?

Rimokatolik wrote:
if I use my 32bit app, and send MIDI messages to change program, Mixer will show name of the instrument, but no sound will be produced

Do you see any activity on that channel? (I mean, is the green LED on the MIDI Mixer channel blinking? How is the master channel volume indicator?
Have you tested VMS installation with another MIDI player like VanBasco?

Rimokatolik wrote:
Mixer always shows default instrument names, instead of names from sound font (which are nicely shown in Edit soundfont properties dialog)

I've added this request to the TODO list.
There could be some difficulties in its implementation due to soundfont chain feature: I should search SF2 files from the latest to the first and took the first one that has the required patch name... If not, then show default name.

Posts: 8
Joined: 2 Giu 2018 - 06:58
Re: VMS 2.4 on Windows 10

Sorry for looooooong delay. I had to stop working on this for a while.

Yes, I am developing custom app. When I tried again these days, it is working. So consider this resolved.

Thank you