Output to both CoolSoft and Midi Interface

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Posts: 3
Joined: October 15, 2014 - 21:19
Output to both CoolSoft and Midi Interface

Is there a way to have a program like Vanbassco output to both a Midi USB interface and to Coolsoft?
I am running in a Windows 8 64 bit enviornment.

The setup is a physical Grand Piano (Midi Ch1) and the same computer with CoolSoft to handle all of the other instruments.
If not, is there a hardware midi mapper I should consider?

Thanks for your help
Doug Hurrell

Posts: 1979
Joined: March 25, 2012 - 01:19
Re: Output to both CoolSoft and Midi Interface

I don't know such a tool, maybe some user will help.

Take a look at MIDIOX, it's known to be a MIDI swiss-knife...