VirtualMIDISynth 1.9.0-beta2 released

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A new beta version of VirtualMIDISynth (version 1.9.0-beta2) has been released.

Version 1.9.0 is almost ready; it adds a long waited (and popular) feature: reverb and chorus settings.

These settings are not "live", they must be set through Configurator -> Options tab, so a VirtualMIDISynt restart is needed.
I suppose this is the best implementation because (usually) these settings are sent through SYSEX messages at the beginning of a song, not during play.

Reverb and chorus will change the effect return value of the corresponding GS/XG effect (see here for details:


  • NEW: New option to override Reverb & Chorus SYSEXes received from MIDI (and force our custom values).
  • BUG: Memory leak in MIDI message patching routine.


  • NEW: New configuration options to control default value of reverb and chorus effects.
  • NEW: Added new setup commandline option "/skip_os_check" to force it run on misdetected systems.
  • NEW: Updated BASS to version 2.4.10 and BASSMIDI to 2.4.8

Beta version can be found here:


Claudio Nicora - CoolSoft