Mixer suggestions

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Anonymous user

Hi Aaron!

In fact there are many midi control change messages afecting to an entire channel, as volume CC#7, pan CC#10, expression CC#11, reverb CC#91, chorus CC#93, etc. For a complete list, see


So note final volume is a function of note velocity, channel volume and channel expression. So even if note velocity is 128, if channel volume is 0, you will not hear it.

Theese messages are usually used to easily sequence fade in and fade out effects, and also it is the only way to change the volume of a note once it is being played, as you can do in real instruments as an organ, violin, accordion, etc.

Anonymous user
I stand corrected

Thanks Alberto for pointing that out.  Pretty much all of my work with MIDI has been through a graphical editing program or with MIDI Show Control messages, which are a specific type of Real-time System Exlusive (sysex) message.

I've written a program in C#.NET that generates MIDI files with Show Control messages that are designed for the lighting controller that I'm building.  The idea there is that you can insert those MIDI files as "soundtracks" into a media-only script, and thus automate the lights (and anything else that happens to be listening) as part of the show.  This is why I posted my other comments about getting MIDI out of Windows 7.  You can look at those for more details.

At the risk of being nit-picky, I would like to point out that the maximum value in MIDI is actually 127, not 128.  Out of each byte, the most significant bit is not used for data, but to synchronize the receiver(s) at the start of every command.  When it's on, the remaining 7 bits are a command code; when it's off, the remaining 7 bits are data to be interpreted according to the last command code received.  0b01111111 = 127,  0b10000000 = 128 = Note Off for channel 0: the specific note to stop sounding is determined by the following byte.
